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Probiohealth was developed by our team of specialists in horse health to strengthen the digestion and nutrient utilization of your horse in a nutritional-physiological way. Strong digestion without loss of nutrients is the basis for high-performance horses with healthy hooves and beautiful skin.

Probiotic supply for optimal digestive functions!
Reduces the germ load in the standing area of ​​the horse and thus indirectly protects the hooves!
Improvement of nutrient absorption as the basis for an all-round healthy horse!
Build a strong horse microbiome and immune system!

Our tip and advice: The horse’s microbiome is all of the positive probiotic bacteria in and on the horse. The stronger the microbiome, the better the animal’s immune system.

Probiohealth – strengthens the immune system through active microbiome development! #horse microbiome

Probiohealth – helps to better absorb nutrients and reduces nutrient losses! #horse health #feedforhorses

Probiohealth – indirectly reduces the load on the stable floor and thus the risk of hooves! #hufhygiene #stallhygiene #problemhuf